Emotional Firefighting — Transforming Social Trauma with Dr. James Gordon

Today we have on a really, really incredibly special human of a guest! Dr. James Gordon is a Harvard-educated psychiatrist; the founder and executive director of the nonprofit Center for Mind-Body Medicine; a pioneer in integrative medicine; and is internationally recognized for using self-awareness, self-care, and group support to heal population-wide psychological trauma.

Today we have on a really, really incredibly special human of a guest! Dr. James Gordon is a Harvard-educated psychiatrist; the founder and executive director of the nonprofit Center for Mind-Body Medicine; a pioneer in integrative medicine; and is internationally recognized for using self-awareness, self-care, and group support to heal population-wide psychological trauma.

The work Dr. Gordon is doing in the world is so powerful, inspiring, and expanding! He’s been touching lives on a daily basis for the past 50 years and is creating real society-level impact. We like to think of him as a firefighter for the mind… but on a huge scale! Dr. Gordon goes into these communities that have just experienced major large-scale trauma — such as natural disasters, war-based disasters, or school shootings — and provides the necessary tools, aid, resources, and techniques to help the community heal together.

There is so much to learn from people like Dr. Gordon! These tools and techniques that he teaches communities to help them heal from trauma are also extremely valuable on an individual-scale. We really, truly loved today’s conversation and we can’t wait for you all to tune in to listen!

Topics Discussed:

[:36] About today’s episode and special guest, Dr. James Gordon!

[2:01] Reading our review of the week!

[2:55] If you leave a review for IGNTD and we read it on the podcast, you get a little care package from us!

[4:29] Honoring and remembering Ram Dass.

[10:57] More about today’s incredible guest!

[11:51] Our intentions for 2020: bringing in the media that’s important to us and making the choice to help in a real, tangible way.

[15:41] Welcoming Dr. James Gordon to the podcast!

[16:00] Dr. Gordon speaks about his work and shares his approach.

[21:17] Dr. Gordon speaks about the commonalities between all these different kinds of community disasters that he and his team provide aid for — natural disasters, school shootings, war-based disasters, etc.

[28:24] What does the process of helping these communities look like? How long do they stay?

[30:09] How long does it take for a community to heal after a big disaster?

[31:41] The importance of doing ‘the work’ before a disaster occurs as well as helping everyone in a disaster (even those who appear to not be directly affected).

[35:58] The common impacts that occur throughout the community after a catastrophe as well as the effects on individuals.

[40:05] How Dr. Gordon begins the transformation in the community.

[41:21] The multi-generational impact of trauma.

[44:40] Dr. Gordon shares some pieces of wisdom for individuals that have just experienced trauma and the techniques that can help them overcome the fight or flight response as well as the freeze response.

[54:57] Chronic stress: the underlying source of many diseases, mental health issues, etc., and the importance of putting these two simple techniques Dr. Gordon taught into play in your life —  whether or not you’ve experienced trauma.

[59:41] What our reviewer of the week will also be receiving in her care package from us!

[1:02:15] What is the best advice Dr. Gordon has ever received?

[1:03:15] What is Dr. Gordon’s proudest moment to-date?

[1:03:37] What has been Dr. Gordon’s hardest moment?

[1:04:58] What are some of Dr. Gordon’s important self-care rituals?

[1:06:27] What gets Dr. Gordon ignited?

[1:07:17] Thanking Dr. Gordon for joining the podcast!

[1:08:21] Have you read The Transform? Dr. Gordon would love to get in touch and hear your thoughts!

Mentioned in this Episode:

IGNTD Ep: “The Biology of Belief: The Intersection of Consciousness and Matter with Bruce Lipton”

Ram Dass

Ram Dass, Going Home (Film, 2017)

Be Here Now, by Ram Dass

Dr. James Gordon’s Bio

The Center for Mind-Body Medicine

The Transformation: Discovering Wholeness and Healing after Trauma, by Dr. James Gordon

Hurricane Katrina

Parkland Shooting

Sandy Hook

IHR Episode: “Your Life, Chronic Stress, and the Downward Spiral You Didn’t Know to Fear”

Find out more about IGNTD:



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