The New Green Healthcare? Trying to Solve America’s Sickness Struggles with Parsley

January is our month to focus on elevated wellness! We want you thinking about your wellness, health, where you can uplevel them in your life, and what kinds of small changes you can start to do now that will make a huge difference, over time.

January is our month to focus on elevated wellness! We want you thinking about your wellness, health, where you can uplevel them in your life, and what kinds of small changes you can start to do now that will make a huge difference, over time.

Starting with today’s episode, we want you to begin to think outside the box in terms of wellness. We’ve invited on an incredible guest — Dr. Robin Berzin — to help us all get started by sharing how her healthcare practice, Parsley Health, is completely changing the way we think about, and interact with, our healthcare!

We don’t think it’d be a huge surprise to any of you when we say that our current healthcare system doesn’t support wellness as well as it could — and even exacerbates the problem. Parsley Health aims to provide superior healthcare by using an outcomes-driven approach that focuses on the root cause of disease to improve health and wellbeing, while also reducing overall healthcare costs.

Tune in to learn more about how Parsley Health is changing the healthcare game, what holistic healthcare really looks like, and how you can work towards a healthier you.

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Topics Discussed:

[:30] Welcome to today’s episode!

[1:10] Reading today’s review!

[2:30] Sophie reads a quote about rebirth.

[4:03] What is health and wellness?

[6:40] Three journal prompts to check in with your health and wellness.

[9:13] The conversation portion of the podcast with Robin Berzin!

[10:26] A quick story about our recent experience with the traditional healthcare system.

[12:24] Robin Berzin walks us through the process of why she decided to open up her own healthcare practice and what is fundamentally wrong with the primary healthcare system.

[16:57] What we love about Parsley Health!

[19:20] The goals and mission of Parsley Health.

[20:39] What holistic healthcare really looks like.

[23:15] About Adi’s Hashimoto’s, Parsley Health’s process for treating and testing for Hashimoto’s, and discussing the sweet spot of combining Eastern and Western medicine.

[30:53] Robin speaks about how our current system doesn’t support wellness and even exacerbates the problem.

[34:58] Robin shares how they’re working towards working with insurance.

[35:42] How to combine traditional healthcare with Parsley Health.

[41:28] Robin speaks about when their national plan launches.

[43:20] Robin shares some of what she’s excited about regarding the future of Parsley Health!

[44:40] How the traditional medical system makes it hard for us to engage with it and the rise of consumer health.

[46:46] What’s the best advice Robin has ever received?

[48:39] What is one of Robin’s proudest moments to-date?

[50:00] What has been one of Robin’s hardest moments to-date?

[52:32] What are some of Robin’s self-care practices and rituals?

[55:00] What ignites Robin?

[57:32] Thanking Robin for joining us!

[57:45] Take a screenshot, tag us, and tell us about your experiences with the traditional healthcare system.

Mentioned in this Episode:

The Moon Deck

IGNTD Episode: “Winning with the Hand You’re Dealt with Aarona Lea” — Sign up to receive our exclusive newsletter!

Parsley Health

Soho House


Eve Ensler

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