New Year, New You (If You Do This Right Now!)

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Right now, it’s just past Christmas but right before New Year’s. This can be a very challenging time for a lot of people. They’re surrounded by a lot of family, which, for some, can mean surrounded by triggers.

So in today’s episode, I wanted to provide a bit of perspective on this transition period between Christmas and New Year’s and really take a look at how you can actually make a committed change that you can stick to, going into 2020.

Here’s how to not just make a wish — but take action!

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[:35] About today’s episode.

[2:01] My question to those waiting until the new year to make a change: what are you waiting for?

[4:19] No significant change will happen in your life waiting for a special date.

[5:44] My recommendation to you: tune into what you want to create change around and instead of waiting on making a resolution, start right now!

[7:05] How to not just make a wish but take action.

[9:30] If you start right now, here’s what I can guarantee you.

[10:18] Take a screenshot, tag me on social media, and let me know: what change or behavior are you committing to starting today?

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