Going Deep with our IGNTD Listeners: Questions on Infidelity, Trusting Again, and Relationships in Quarantine

This episode marks the end of our incredibly fun Sophie month. To celebrate the finale, we're doing something totally different than we've ever done before! Remember those old-school radio shows where people would call in with a question? Well, today we're kind of doing just that!

This episode marks the end of our incredibly fun Sophie month. To celebrate the finale, we’re doing something totally different than we’ve ever done before! Remember those old-school radio shows where people would call in with a question? Well, today we’re kind of doing just that! We’ve set up a Zoom call with some of our IGNTD listeners, got to know who they are, and answered some of their questions!

With everything that’s going on in the world right now with the coronavirus, it felt so great to bring our little community together. It felt like we were all sitting in a room together and having an intimate sit-down talk. We also cover so many of the topics that really make IGNTD, IGNTD; from relationships to spirituality to the current struggles we’re facing with the quarantine — we had some incredibly great questions and topics.

We know you’ll love this episode just as much as we do and can’t wait for you to join us!

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Sex, Love & Porn, Oh My! Live Workshop (May 4th)

Topics Discussed:

[:01] About our new IGNTD subscription!

[2:00] About this month’s theme; wrapping up Sophie month!

[2:51] Reading our review of the week. Be sure to leave your own review too!

[4:40] Sophie’s quote of the week.

[5:42] About this week’s special episode.

[6:36] Take a screenshot of this episode and share it with us on social media where you live!

[6:56] More about today’s unique episode!

[9:58] Welcoming on our IGNTD listeners to the Zoom call!

[12:44] Sophie reflects on the previous episodes and guests throughout her month. We also talk about anxiety, breaking out of habits, and the quarantine.

[21:22] Opening up the conversation to our IGNTD listeners.

[21:52] Our first listener, Maddy, introduces herself, shares why she listens to the IGNTD podcast, and asks a question around infidelity.

[24:09] We share our thoughts with the listener about finding the “why” to stay together after infidelity as well as our advice on how they can work through it together.

[36:25] Our next listener, Amanda, introduces herself and asks for advice on tips to introduce her husband to spirituality.

[44:18] Carlos, our next listener, introduces himself and asks for advice on how he can approach an ex and let her know that he’s been doing the work and is ready to see their kids.

[47:55] We offer Carlos advice on how he can reconnect with his children and repair the relationship with his ex.

[53:10] Our next listener, Sarah, asks a question about how we got through the period in our relationship where we were struggling with infidelity — specifically, how I dealt with being “the asshole” and how Sophie managed to not continue “putting me in the doghouse.” We also discuss some of the boundaries we implemented, how to deal with triggers, and how we worked through it.

[1:07:35] Our last listener for the episode, Bailey, asks us about handling daily life and routines during this quarantine.

[1:18:43] Thanking all of our IGNTD listeners for joining us in today’s episode!

Mentioned in this Episode:

IGNTD Ep. 127: “A Real Marriage Story: Soulmates, Cheating and True Intimacy with Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst”

IGNTD Ep. 126: “Journey into Intuitive Movement with Taryn Toomey, Founder of The Class”

IGNTD Ep. 125: “Holistic Strategies to Help with Anxiety with Ellen Vora”

IGNTD Ep. 124: “Rising Up for a Better World with Sheleana Aiyana of Rising Woman”

IGNTD Ep. 66: “Harnessing the Wisdom of Human Design with Jenna Zoë”

IGNTD Ep. 81: “The Biology of Belief: The Intersection of Consciousness and Matter with Bruce Lipton”

The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce Lipton

The Five Minute Gratitude Journal

Find out more about IGNTD:



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Sophie’s Instagram: @Sophie.Jaffe

Adi’s Instagram: @DrAdiJaffe

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