How I Cured My Diabetes with Brooklyn Borough President, Eric Adams | Relationships

Today is pretty exciting. We got the chance to get on the phone with the Borough President of Brooklyn, New York City, Eric Adams! Both in and out of his role as a politician, Eric does some absolutely incredible work.

One of the fascinating parts about Eric’s journey and story is that he got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes around the time he became the Borough President of Brooklyn. Within three months of this diagnosis, however, he cured himself by going on a plant-based diet! He lost 35 lbs, lowered his cholesterol by 30 points, restored his vision, and completely reversed his diabetes. And now, he’s also written a book about it; Healthy at Last: A Plant-Based Approach to Preventing and Reversing Diabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses. And he’s not stopping there — he’s also trying to get the hospitals in Brooklyn to change the food that they provide!

In this conversation with Eric, we got into so many different sides of the equation around food, nutrition, healthcare, education, public safety, and beyond. The work he’s doing, not just to change his own health habits, but in getting other people to see past the accepted norms around nutrition (and what they think is possible for themselves) is truly awe-inspiring. We can’t wait for you all to tune in!


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Philosophie Superfoods

The Philosophie offers cleanses and other nutritional products that are unlike any of the other supplements and detoxification programs on the market. Why? Because they actually nourish the body with whole, live, nutrient-rich foods. Each of the Philosophie superfoods and protein blends is vegan, raw, gluten-free, and has absolutely no filler ingredients.

Topics Discussed:

[:34] Talking life and travel!

[4:54] About our revamping of the IGNTD Hero program and today’s episode with Eric Adams.

[8:45] The conversation portion of the podcast with Eric Adams.

[10:23] Eric shares about his type 2 diabetes diagnosis and how he came to discover plant-based nutrition.

[13:06] What Eric discovered after adopting a plant-based diet and what his book, Healthy at Last, is about.

[15:08] Why we tend to put our nutrition last — and what we can do, instead, to put it first.

[17:28] The problem in healthcare.

[20:40] Eric’s experience with traditional medicine treating his diabetes and his realization about how much more exciting healthy food could really be.

[22:33] What holds us back from change and what we should really be focusing on when it comes to change.

[24:18] What Eric hopes people take away from his book, Healthy at Last.

[27:38] Eric shares one of his missions for schools around educating students on how to read labels on food.

[28:04] What Eric is doing right now as Borough President to create change in Brooklyn.

[30:31] Eric speaks on how safety, health, and education should be a right, not a luxury.

[34:03] Eric shares some powerful words on gun violence, public safety, and racial inequality.

[36:58] Thanking Eric for joining us!

Mentioned in this Episode:

Healthy at Last: A Plant-Based Approach to Preventing and Reversing Diabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses, by Eric Adams

Bellevue Hospital

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About Our Sponsor:

Philosophie Superfoods

The Philosophie offers cleanses and other nutritional products that are unlike any of the other supplements and detoxification programs on the market. Why? Because they actually nourish the body with whole, live, nutrient-rich foods. Each of the Philosophie superfoods and protein blends is vegan, raw, gluten-free, and has absolutely no filler ingredients.

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