We're All On Our Own Timeline | Recovery

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Today’s topic is coming to you from a moment of realization I had recently at one of the restaurants we like to go to in the Dominican Republic where we’re currently vacationing. The song, “Time,” by Pink Floyd was being played by a local band and it reminded me of one of the common conversations that I have with so many of the people that I work with. And that is, that they’ve missed the boat. ‘The starting gun’ had gone off, as it says in the Pink Floyd song, and now they feel it’s too late.

The truth to this song is that nobody tells you when to start. And for some of us, we’ve never really truly gotten started. And at that point, you have two choices: you can get really freaked out and anxious, or, you can simply start now.

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Topics Discussed:

[:43] About the inspiration for today’s episode.

[3:22] The truth in the Pink Floyd song, “Time”: nobody tells you when to start.

[4:40] What you can do about this now that you’ve realized you missed the ‘starting gun.’

[5:54] Life is not a race and you are not too late to fire off your own starting gun!

[7:53] The moment you realize there are things you want to do… that’s the moment you get to start doing those things!

[8:38] The reason why late-in-life success stories are told.

[9:31] The one difference in perspective I have with Pink Floyd in the song, “Time.”

[10:44] Thanks for tuning in! I hope you enjoyed today’s episode! If you did, be sure to leave a review (as we’re giving out some awesome prizes to those whose reviews we read on air!) and let me know what resonated the most with you by tagging me on social media and letting me know!

Mentioned in this Episode:

Miches, Dominican Republic

“Time,” by Pink Floyd

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