Family SOS - What to do When a Loved One is Addicted 

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I see the same story with families all the time where they’ve spent hundreds of thousands on various addiction treatments and nothing is working. Frankly, these traditional methods are failing us. They just don’t work for most people.

In today’s episode, I’m going to show you and tell you why it is that so many of these traditional solutions fail and I’m going to break it down into three primary elements as to why this is. I also speak about the incredible transformation these families go through after they come to me as a last resort. When they completely change the ideas that they had about the nature of the addiction and how they could help support their loved one in moving forward, all of their lives changed for the better!

If you are a loved one of somebody who is struggling, you are going to want to listen for sure!

IGNTD Specials:

Family SOS Live Workshop (Nov 10 at 3pm pacific)

Topics Discussed:

[:35] An introduction to today’s episode.

[5:52] The path families are generally led down when a family member has an addiction.

[6:54] What this episode is about.

[7:09] If you know someone who is struggling with addiction, please send this to their family!

[7:30] The first of the three primary elements that I’m breaking this episode down by — addiction is not what you’ve been told it is.

[9:20] The second element — the moral concept. The idea that addicts are bad, liars, narcissistic, and that their brains are damaged so, therefore, they can’t make morally justified decisions.

[12:32] An important piece to the moral concept — spirituality and the fact that addiction is never one thing. There are four factors that play into it: biology, psychology, environmental, and spirituality.

[14:16] The last element — telling somebody that they’re broken and defective and then expecting them to get better.

[16:30] Why your loved one ended up where they are and why they are not broken.

[17:09] A study that helps illustrate these concepts.

[19:00] Sharing a couple of the families’ stories that I’ve worked with and explaining how we can help people change and not force them.

[24:35] Why non-traditional methods worked for me and these families.

[25:55] About my upcoming workshop: IGNTD Family SOS Workshop.

[26:31] The #1 takeaway from this week’s episode!

Mentioned in this Episode:

IGNTD Recovery (Register and join the free workshop!) (Pay for shipping and I will send you the book for free!)

IGNTD Family SOS Workshop

IGNTD Ep: “Getting Personal: A Conversation With My Sister”

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