Go Deeper! Check out featured episodes and explore IGNTD’s Relationships, Recovery Secrets, and Motivation podcast episodes below.

IGNTD Relationships is an honest exploration of all things relationships. Dr. Adi and Sophie Jaffe go deep and explore topics that others shy away from.
From intimacy and sex to cheating and trust all the way to death, drugs, spirituality, friendships, work, health, nutrition, wellness and success... they go deep into it all!

Recovery Secrets offers a brand new look at the addiction problem. Dr. Adi Jaffe, the Author of The Abstinence Myth, goes deep into areas previously unexplored and offers stories and solutions that aren’t often discussed around the addiction problem.
Whether you know someone who is struggling, struggling yourself or if you’re a professional who is seeking a different way to approach this frustrating and deadly problem, you’re going to love this podcast.
IGNTD Motivation is a brand new 5 minute brought to you every Monday from our great friends and experts to leave you feeling IGNTD and Inspired - no matter what life throws at you!
Listen while you brush your teeth or on your morning walk and you’ll never miss out on the latest tips and tricks that are keeping us feeling motivated every day.